Yaohui@Chengdu-Tibet 4th to 15th July 2005

犯贱记 - 赔了夫人又折兵



那时我们乘车从拉萨前往江孜,最高海拔我们到达过5330米高。天啊!雪山!生平第一次亲眼看到雪,开心到要死!打死都要下车拍照留念。我这个贱人就在那边hyper,喘到要死,头痛到要死,冷到要死也趴过去拍照。然后再回去车上,拉不想下车的人也一起下车拍照。End up 晚上的时候又头痛了。Then又摸不到雪,倒摸了雪溶化成河的水。


在成都的时候,偶然尝到了当地的水蜜桃。天啊,super juicy man! 我这个贱人在返回新加坡的当天早上,特地乘车到Ito Yukada百货市场去买了一箱扛回家。扛着3.85kg的盒子本来就不容易,天公偏偏选择那天浇花。我又穿着Sim's Cozy provide 的托鞋,滑到要死,屁股有几次差一点和地板接吻。还得在Ito Yukada门口买了RMB6.90(相等于SGD1.38)的poncho,然后又chiong cab回Sim's Cozy急忙冲了凉,赶在12点钟check out。

不过,at the end of 这两个犯贱的 episode,都觉得这一切是值得的。要成功,先发疯。

幸运记 - 生在福中不知福

Our trip to Chengdu-Tibet is peppered with strokes of luck.

We managed to get into shrines and chapels that is otherwise only opened on major religious festivals. With no idea how the Tibetan calendar works, we somehow stumbled onto their '绕山节'. Firstly, the oldest temple in Tibet (on our way from Gyantse to Shigatse) opened for visitors, and we saw a religious procession. We also became the last to visit the holiest shrine in Lhasa when it was unlocked for some '领导' to visit. Lastly, we met a traffic jam at 4737m above the sea, and spent one day's worth of daylight at 2 different airports.

We were returning from Shigatse via the new road. There was road works on the already narrow mountain pass. Traffic on both directions couldn't pass for 3 hours for the maintenance team to lay the tarmac road. Well, some bugger on the same direction as us had a argument with some other buggers from the road laying team. So the road layers purposely delayed the whole direction by not giving way after the road laying is done. The whole length of us slowly snaked behind the road laying car until they finally relented. The final score? 7 hours behind schedule due to the 'road works'.

Our domestic flight from Lhasa back to Chengdu was scheduled to fly at 1030hrs. So we actually reach the airport at about 0900hrs. Fate had it that the damned monopolised flight be delayed due to technical fault and can only fly at 1415hrs instead. 祸不单行。When we reached Chengdu at about 1630, the tour agency that was supposed to pick us up sent the wrong vehicle (we are a group of 5, we cannot fit into a normal sized car), so we had to wait for a bigger 面包车to arrive and pick us. Eventually, we left the airport at 1730. So in total, we spent about 9 hours in the airport and on the airplane.

贱骨头 - 明知山有虎,偏向虎山行


四川菜,是tmd的 辣。

一早就有warning过了,四川的麻辣锅is not for the faint hearted。谁叫我们整天抱着‘反正都来了,might as well try 一下’的高尚精神。。。只try了当地的鸳鸯锅,微辣的红汤,就已经buay tahan了。不过我们吃得瞒有life的,一面吃火锅,一面喝‘雪花’纯生啤酒,xibei song。接下来的几天,连大便时都觉得屁股辣辣的。

Anyway, 你们到了成都,不要错过‘雪花’纯生 和‘青岛’纯生啤酒。连Henry, Chinyee and Jiayan都喜欢喝。

拉萨and西藏in general海拔都是3500米以上。所以,一般的travel advise都会告诉你要小心AMS(Acute Mountain Sickness)或者是High Altitude Sickness。我们这种在海岛生活的动物,到了高原地带,confirm不能适应。果然,除了Weixian以外,大家都多多少少被affect到。我跟Henry第一天就领教了,Jiayan and Chinyee随后都有一点。我跟Henry也有流鼻血,plus 我嘴巴破了两个洞。

血拼记 - 把钱花光,为国争光

I am a certified shopping shit, aka 菜头。

I bought a Columbia double layered jacket at 720RMB (SGD140) in Chengdu, the same thing is bought by Chinyee at 270RMB in Lhasa. Nobody could tell the difference. I believe anything different that we spotted is actually all in the mind ... Last I checked on Columbia.com, the model I bought does not exist ...

I bought a 'Yipelou' cargo pants at 95RMB (SGD19)... a steal if it was the Columbia pants which I thought it was.

Back in Cambodia, every other thing which Chinyee and I both bought, I always paid at least 1USD more (1USD is a lot in Cambodia). With the 720RMB jacket which I splurged on, I led the pack in spendings till the last few days where everybody started to expand their RMBs.

I was ultra disappointed with the day trip out to 杜甫草堂. The entrance fee (RMB60, SGD12) was already a big turn off. While it didn't help that I could not understand nor appreciate 'dao-pok' and his poems, the park turned out to be a major tourist trap. Every other 'heritage' building there has been otherwise reconstructed into a shopping centre. So turned off ... Bought a 'limited edition杜甫wine' at one of the kiosk, intending to give it my auntie who might have liked it. The 'wine' reached Singapore with its cap dented, part of the liqour outside the bottle and my heart on the floor. RMB30 left behind in the airplane's overhead storage cabin.

餐饮记 - 好吃是一餐,不好吃也是一餐

我们五个人里面,唯有Weixian and Chinyee是英雄,因为他们都吃了Tibetian 'cheesecake'。不过Weixian比较hero,她把整个'cheesecake'都吞下去。The rest like the 黑糯米团with牦牛肉thingy is 根本闻了都放不进嘴巴。

And then hotel provide的free breakfast果然是一分钱一分货,tmd的难吃。还好有Sim's Cozy的'Fried breakfast set'和康师傅的快熟面救命。左边这张照片就是Sim's Cozy的'Fried breakfast set'了。只需RMB22,就能让你一整天都很high morale,有精神出去玩。Not in picture还有一杯热腾腾的咖啡。连他们的coffee cup, sugar jar and milk tipper都是很精致的。

Otherwise, 登上美食龙虎榜的菜有;
- 龙抄手
- 麻辣火锅
- 番茄炒蛋
- 糖醋炸排骨(local version of 咕老肉)
- 雄记鸭
- 水蜜桃
- 回锅肉
- 叶儿粑
- Pentoc cafe的ice cream! 2 scoops vanilla+Baileys


感慨记- 有志者,事尽成

The main motivation for my love of travelling, is to discover things that you will never read or hear about from others. Also, I get to see the majesty and beauty of the sights/attractions with my own eyes.

If I have never come to Tibet, I will never know that Tibet is soo culturally rich and colorful. But well, I have also realised that, any place or thing that is mysterious, yet reachable by me, is probably not so rustic or magical anymore.

Like the Angkor of Cambodia, I find it astonishing to see the extend, that the ancient people are motivated, to go about to spend the amount of money, effort and time, to build these architectural wonders. Some of these temples and shrines are built with stone slabs dragged over from the Himalayan Ranges. The construction of one of the temples was so straineous on the goats that transported the stone slabs that it killed 10,000 of them. And the statues/stupas that is housed inside these temples, are made up of tonnes of precious metals and stones that could easily have worthed millions each. It would sound blasphemeous to believers, but I am not out to discount their faith. If these money, precious metal and stones donated to contruct these statues and stupas are used to directly benefit the many poor people in Tibet, I think the amount raised could have gone a very very long way. I would like to think that those buried/enshrined in these stupas would have thought the same way too.

Well, that's the power of faith.

惊艳记 - 一朵小花的精彩

During my flight into Lhasa, I got the coveted window seat. So my primary job there, is to help take photos of what I got to see because of my superior seating location.

I have never been so fixated on what I saw from my little window to the world outside. I was so amazed with the works of nature and how the indigeneous people adapted to it. I wondered how people in the ancient past came over from China to launch military attacks , lest live in Tibet. The people in the past must have been so determined and physically fit to have survived climbing through the crazy terrains. Here, the clouds are just lying down on the mountains ...

And on one of those routes where I could never imagine how pilgrims would have tackled them before it is laid in tarmac, and without motorized transport, I found this bunch of flowers growing on the edges of harshness. Beautiful, outstanding and extremely hardy.

Such, can only be created by the master strokes of the Almighty Creator.

避乞记 - 逃得了和尚,逃不了庙




我想,庙会给予平民百姓的,再也不只是一种心灵寄托。现在当地的老百姓已经很‘醒目’了,就连从乡村到城市里讨钱都可以轮流去。这样一来,他们‘出巡’的时候,老家的土地不至于没人打理,照样出产农作物。我觉得他们也很明白,游客都一定会到庙里去参观,或者去拜拜。游客都是有钱人,也比较笨,所以去庙附近碰碰运气,获得‘捐款’的机会要高一些。 特别是那些专程从国外来朝圣的信徒,一定很舍得给。庙宇除了让当地信徒心灵得到满足,也让他们得到物质上的满足。他们所寻找的寄托和希望,无论是从信奉的神像,还是信奉神像的朝圣徒的身上,都能得到。


外传- 往外再转,有屁就放

-OK 这个字眼,是中国人的发明。原致于一个简单的回答,“哦,可以!”。
那些 Angmoh 就拿了谐音'O'和'K',组成了这个国际通用的语义。

-我怀念Hotel里面consistent的热水澡,不过也很爱Sim's Cozy provide的拖鞋。
我喜欢Hotel里面的床,不过没有任何Hotel的早餐能和Sim's Cozy有的fight。
要到成都,就要到Sim's Cozy那儿去住。

-我 发现自己很容易被Service Industry的女孩子所吸引,也很容易吸引她们。其实,我并没有她们想象中的有钱,想象中的老。注:Service Industry包括餐饮业、航空业(aaah ... elaine and shirley on our return flight to S'pore)、 零售业(retail) 。。。不等。
[shit ... no picture]




-问你要吃什么不能随便说‘随便’,因为‘随便’是一种雪糕的品牌。‘随便’有3个flavour;vanilla, coffee and chocolate。


-有些人,在Haagen Daz是不受欢迎的。


Epilogue - 知道的越多,懂得越少

Days after I got back from Tibet, I picked up this book called 'Seven Years In Tibet'. It is an autobiography written by Heinrich Harrer in 1953, and has since been made into a full motion picture starring Brad Pitt.

Initially, it dawned on me why some mind-baffling rules exist in Tibet. For example, the ruling on the travel permit. Tibet was (and still is) a very closed up territory by choice, for the people are superstitious and somewhat xenophobic. The social structure there is also fuedalistic by nature, something like China in the past. Therefore the people were not ready to receive visitors unless permission is expressed by an authoritarian figure, usually in the form of a written permit. The places that one can stay at or travelled to, is spelled out black and white on the permit that was given. Well ... I think that practice is retained, not only for the purpose to prevent foreigners from instigating politcal dissent in the territory.

I've previously read and heard about Britain meddling in Tibetan affairs and also leading an expedition into it. But it never occured to me why would any Germans be interested to stick their fingers into the mud. 次松 once related a story to us about two German old ladies, who were guided by her. The two ladies had been to Tibet many times, and hence 次松 assumed that they already know the dos and dont's in the territory, especially in the area of political realms. However, she spotted the old ladies distributing pictures of the Dalai Lama, probably championing support for him. As 次松's responsibility, she had to stop them and consequently had an argument with them. An ugly sight in a customer service industry. At that time, I wondered why would two German old ladies would be so interested in a matter that they would have no business in. After reading the book, I realised that the writer is a German, and has even raised funds for the Tibet independence cause.

As a result, with many more realisations, that the more knowledge and backgrounds I learn, the more inadequate I feel that my understanding is. Also, scenes and feelings that I could not describe in my previous writings is very well expressed by Harrer, for example, the 'rancid smell' of the temples. It also sets me to think, if the same thing can be viewed at differently by different people, and subsequently recorded differently, would the history I know today, is only one side of the full story? Were there details or even large chunks of it is purposely untold to the world, so that political ambitions are justified?

While it might be disappointing to see that Tibet has lost much of its rustic feel, it is comforting to remember that advance is a neccessity for survival. Furthurmore, it is only with advancements, would I be able to arrive at and also enjoy the beauty of the place aptly named, The Roof of the World.

August 3rd, 2005